Hiking the Hetch Hetchy Valley is beautiful, full of waterfalls, and very few people.

Lookout Point (moderate)
2 miles (3.2 km) round-trip; 1 hour
Begin at Hetch Hetchy Entrance Station
This quick hike takes you through the tunnel to a viewpoint overlooking Hetch Hetchy Valley.
Wapama Falls (moderate)
5 mi (8 km) round-trip; 2 hours
Begin at O'Shaughnessy Dam
This trail takes you through the tunnel to the base of Wapama Falls, passing two smaller waterfalls (during spring) on the way. This is also a good trail for wildflowers in spring.
Rancheria Falls (moderate)
13.4 miles (21.4 km) round-trip; 6 to 8 hours
Begin at O'Shaughnessy Dam
This trail takes you through the tunnel and continues past Wapama Falls to popular Rancheria Falls.